Welcome to our Refund Policy

Since ResumeInventor.com is offering non-tangible irrevocable goods we do not issue refunds once the order is accomplished and the product is sent. As a customer you are responsible for understanding this upon purchasing any item at our site. Please note that our bonuses are offered on behalf of our respected partners and are not an issue for a refund or chargeback.

However, we realize that exceptional circumstance can take place with regard to the character of the product we supply.

Therefore, we do honor requests for the refund on the following reasons:

  1. Non-delivery of the product

due to some mailing issues of your e-mail provider or your own mail server you might not receive a delivery e-mail from us. In this case we recommend contacting us for assistance. Claims for non-delivery must be submitted to our Support department in writing within 7 days from the order placing date. Otherwise the product will be considered received and downloaded.

  1. Major defects

Although all the products are thoroughly tested before release, unexpected errors may occur. Such issues must be reported directly to resume inventor. The resumeinventor is allowed to rectify the error or defect within 72 hours. If a defect is verified and vendor fails to correct it within 72 hours from the date of the initial complaint letter or any other notification provided by a customer, a refund will be issued in full without any compensations or reimbursements or an alternative option, like a product replacement or a store credit will be offered. Please be advised, that temporary access to your server can be requested by the vendor in order to identify and fix an issue. Failure to provide such access in a timely manner may result in a delayed resolution of the issue. Refusal to provide level of access sufficient for troubleshooting and resolving an issue may lead to declining a refund request.

  1. Product not-as-described

Such issues must be reported to a template vendor within 14 days from the date of the purchase. Clear evidence must be provided proving that the purchased product is not as it is described on the product description page. Complaints which are based merely on the customer’s false expectations or wishes are not honoured.

Please note that we do not bear any responsibility and therefore we do not satisfy any refund/return/exchange requests based on incompatibility of our products with some third-party software (plug-ins, add-ons, modules, search engines, scripts, extensions etc) other than those which are specified as compatible in a description available on the preview page of each product. We don’t guarantee that our products are fully compatible with any third-party programs and we do not provide support for third-party applications. 


Why a refund may not be given

You don’t want it after you’ve downloaded it;

The item did not meet your expectations;


  1. You simply change your mind;

You have to make the right decision before moving on to digital products. Refunds are not eligible after selling. Before buying, you should buy product descriptions 

  1. You bought an item by mistake;

After purchasing you will say it is bought by mistake. It’s out of our rules. Because we give detailed descriptions for each product. If you buy and buy our product descriptions, then it will never be so wrong. You are not responsible for your mistakes. Please purchase our product without knowing beforehand.

  1. You do not have sufficient expertise to use the item;

It is your understanding that you do not have the skills to use the product. Before you get to know you need to know whether you can use the job. We can not take your inefficiency. Please know the subject before going ahead. 

  1. You ask for goodwill.

Before buying the product, you can get to know better from alcohol. So you can contact us at the moment before making a payment. We will always be there for your convenience. Anytime you can contact us. 

  1. You can no longer access the item because it has been removed

We will always put the product here if it is deleted. So tell me that you will be able to download your work as soon as possible

(We advise you to download items as soon as you have purchased them to avoid this situation).


Contact Us


Please give it up to 24 hours for a reply to get back to you on the problem.

Requests for a refund are accepted at https://resumeinventor.com/contact/ within the period of 1 weeks after the order is placed. You should accompany this request with detailed and grounded reasons why you apply for a refund. Please make sure your request does not contradict our Terms and Conditions.
A refund is issued to you upon receipt of a Waiver of Copyright signed by you.

If you have any further questions or concerns related to our refund policy please feel free to contact our Customer Care department for more information.

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