Resume Inventor is an online resume and Curriculum Vitae (C.V) template selling and consulting service provider. We are developing and making us resourceful with digital products. A massive collection of resumes and CV templates make Resume Inventor one-step ahead. We are committed to serving you the best of us. Every visitor and consumer is valuable to us. You have to maintain these following criteria to make a successful purchase from Resume Inventor.
01. Register to Resume Inventor
Make sure that you are logged in before purchasing an item. If not, create an account from the login page. Provide your e-mail, username, and other required information. At last, set a strong password to create your Resume Inventor profile.
02. Select and Purchase
➤ Premium Item
Choose your desired product, then choose a specific license that you want to purchase. Product licensed leveled as,
Personal License
Commercial License
Extended Commercial License
After specifying the product license, continue with the purchase option. Every purchased Item will be listed on the checkout page.
➤ Free Item
To purchase a free item, you do not need to pay for it. But we need your support. Please give like at the “Product Page” on Facebook or share it on Twitter to unlock the “Free Purchase” option for that particular Item.
03. Checkout and Transactions [Applicable on Premium items]
To make a secured checkout or purchase successfully, provide this following information,
E-mail Address [ log in e-mail address will be pre-mentioned here. You can change it if you want.]
First Name
Last Name
Read company policies if you want and right mark the “Terms and Conditions” to make the purchase. Pay according to the total purchasing price.
At this moment, we are accepting PayPal e-payment. To make a transaction through a credit card, create a PayPal account, and link your credit card to your PayPal account. Now you are eligible to complete a transaction with the Resume inventor.
Double-click the file to UNZIP it. (download WinZip for free at
Open the Instructions file to install the free fonts.
All templates of Resume Inventors are multiple formatted files. You can edit and replace the “dummy” text with your expected software. Such as,
Microsoft Word (DOCX): Compatible with MS word 2010 or upper version.
Apple Pages (Pages): Can open and edit in Apple PAges 7.3 or any latest version.
Adobe Photoshop (PSD): Formattable with Adobe Photoshop CS 5.0 and any upper version.
Adobe Illustrator: Can open in Adobe Illustrator CS 5.0 and upper version.
Save your resume in Word, Pages, Photoshop, or Illustrator format AND as a PDF file to upload/e-mail to potential employers and land that job!
05. Customer Support
Resume Inventor’s “Customer Care Department” is 24/7 available to help you. For any queries, drop a message at by mentioning your name, subject, and mail address. Our supporting members will check and reply within 24 hours.
If you have any further queries, recommendations, or a success story, please share it with us. Your response is valuable to us!
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