Best Resume Look

What Does the Best Resume Look Like

in Examples on April 21, 2021

A well-structured resume serves as a very important component for a professional career. By writing a good resume you will be able to highlight your qualifications in front of employers. Which will be very helpful for your professional career. All in all, the Best resume look is a suitable object for presenting a candidate’s professional background. So let’s gain detailed information about how to create a great resume or what the best resume looks like!

Why Is It Important To Write A Good Resume?

Employers in professional careers evaluate the quality of candidates through job applications or CVs. Since employers must select the right candidate by reviewing multiple resumes together, it is important to prepare a good resume or CV as a candidate. Also important is that employers do not spend too much time scanning resumes. They check the best resume look of the candidates by spending very little time. 

So if the resume is not attractive and professional then the chances of getting a job are much less. In this case, it is very important to write a good resume to attract the attention of employers in a short period. So the chances of getting a job depend on how you write your resume! Overall it is important to keep a close eye on this issue and this issue must be mastered for a job career. 

How To Write A Good Resume

It is very important to make a resume in the right format to make the resume interesting and readable. That is, the format of the resume should be appropriate. There are a few steps that must be taken when writing a complete and consistent professional resume. Follow the steps below to learn more about the best resume look and other points.

Choose The Right Format

Resumes can be formatted in several formats. The three most popular formats are useful for arranging a resume in the best way. The following types are the three main formats for writing a resume:

  • Chronological
  • Functional
  • Combination

In most cases, candidates usually arrange their resumes in chronological format. However, other formats are used in other cases. In fact, to make the correct format, you have to rely on various things like your job title, company status, personal preference, etc. If you can combine all of these things in the best way and be careful about arranging your resume wisely, you will definitely be able to get a better resume ready!

Length Limitation

One of the most important things you need to look at after choosing the appropriate format is the length of your resume. Always try to limit the length of your best resume looks to one to two pages. It is not appropriate to extend the resume or curriculum vitae to more than two pages. Try to place the most important information in your resume such as educational qualifications, current position, skills, etc. Focusing on all things will make your resume impressive and relevant. And also it will come in handy to impress employers!

Use A Simple And Standard Design

The best resume look must always be simple and acceptable. Include your resume in the design elements so that it is easily accepted by employers. Make the resume suitable for easy scanning by employers. Also make sure to use titles, bullet points, etc. All these things come in handy to decorate the resume. Keep these things in mind.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the font while presenting the information in the resume to make the resume appropriate and best equipped. In this case, you will always try to be clean and professional fonts. You can use Times New Roman, Georgia, and Tahoma, etc. These types of fonts are usually easy for most people to read. Also, fonts are more suitable for professional use. And always keep the font size between 9 and 12. Through this, the information presented in the resume will be easily visible.

Then use colors to make your best resume look more interesting. Use color strategically when making your desired resume. You can use different colors for each title to highlight the resume properly. And can use black color to present others information. However, you must use simple colors. Using different types of simple colors will make the resume very interesting as well as will help to bind the reader to a certain point. Overall express accurate color strategies and make your resume impressive!

Focus On Your Accomplishments

It is very important to describe the work history in the resume. In this case, try to publish your achievements along with the work description. Try to explain all the information from the point of view of achievement. For example, you can explain how you apply your creativity to solve any hard problem. Make your overall resume perfect with achievement points view when writing your resume. First, focus on measurable accomplishments and try to incorporate them into the resume.

At the same time try to describe your professional skills related to the desired position. When publishing your list of skills, you must try to give priority to the needs of the employers. And keep in mind that hiring managers want to know about successful and practical skills for real or practical situations.

Include A Summary And Your Contact Information

One thing to keep in mind is that you will not have much time to attract employers. Yes, of course, your resume should be linked to a sector that can be accessed in a short period. For this, an interesting and compelling summary should be provided at the top of the resume. In this case, the maximum skills, experience, qualifications, and achievements should be disclosed. This sector can be the center point for getting a good job!

Your full name and email address must be presented at the top of the resume. This will enable employers to know your identity in detail. And they will be able to communicate with you very easily later as needed. Add your city, state, zip code, mailing address. These few contact information are fairly sufficient for the best resume look!

Add Effective Keywords

Adding keywords to the resume makes the resume much stronger. By using the right and appropriate keywords in the resume, you will be able to stand in front of employers very easily. Different types of active applicant tracking systems are used in the modern age. If you use the appropriate keywords, you will be able to easily pass the tracking systems. Job position-related professional keywords help applicants go through tracking and filtering systems. In this case, the keywords must be relevant to the position applied. Be sure to include these things when adding keywords to your resume.

Proofread For Errors

Proofread is the best way to make a resume error-free. It gives you the opportunity to correct your resume before handing it over to employers. After writing the resume, various errors can be seen in it. Such misrepresentation can turn a resume or curriculum vitae into an immature and unprofessional document. So after you finish writing your resume, you must show the spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes, layout mistakes, etc. Try to correct every mistake skillfully. In this case, you can take the help of your seniors or friends. Once all errors have been corrected, hand over them to employers.

By following all of the above points you will be able to make the best resume look. Which, of course, makes your professional career more comfortable!

Sample Resume-1

John Parker
Phone: (555) 999-8888


Dedicated and specialized medical lab technician seeking to work in the XYZ emergency department of a reputed hospital. An experienced lab technician with four-year practical skills! Top-level skills in problem-solving, analysis, and communication.


  • Preparing blood samples and tests for patients and outpatients before and after surgery.
  • Preparing to take blood samples from children and drawing strictly.
  • Processing of various diagnostics and tests including microbiology culture, gram stain, urinalysis.
  • Strong interpersonal skills to help keep patients calm and informed.
  • Maintain laboratory equipment as per hospital standards.

Employment Or Experience History

St. Mary Children’s Hospital (March 2001–Jan. 2007)

  • Keep lab equipment sterile for daily use.
  • Draws blood for patients and helps keep them at ease during the procedure.
  • Keeps accurate records of blood samples and patient information.

Medical Laboratory Technician
Reliable Medical Center (February 2007–October 2018)

  • Improved laboratory efficiency through improved methods, improved lab equipment, and optimized layout.
  • Maintain lab performance at the top level. 
  • Processing blood samples in an emergency room test within three minutes.
  • Worked in research and development teams involved in the development of the mask to restore ownership used in emergency care.


American Society of Clinical Pathologists certified (2000)
Completed Medical Laboratory Technician program from PIMA Medical Institute (1998)

Sample Resume-2

Ronald Bandell, CAPM
206 Concord Street
Orlando, Florida 32826
Mobile: (555) 888-9999


Dedicatedly propelled proficient with more than 9 years of involvement overseeing innovation-based tasks. Upheld by senior experts in effectively executing a few prominent ventures. Innovation information and excellent scientific abilities. Confirmed Partner in Project Management (CAPM). Want to expand my professional identity with a reputed company!


  • Project coordination, setup, monitoring.
  • Strategy formulation and execution.
  • System design, analysis.
  • Presentation software and word processing

Professional Experience

Senior Administrative Assistant
2015 to present
Hugh Consulting, Inc. 

  • Smooth out the organization’s task the board framework to give more viable data and better client service. 
  • Manage the arranging, planning, and execution of prominent activities without the task supervisor. 
  • Train staff on the archive adaptation to encourage appropriate following and opportune recovery of records. 
  • Plan rules for examination and best practices to improve on the way toward filing and overseeing project reports.

Administrative Assistant
Hitech Project Solutions, LLC

  • Research and ready presentation and other material for high-profile clients.
  • Developed and implemented a client tracking system.
  • Featuring projects involving research and proposal document creation.
  • Makes the proposed development process readily available. Applying a new process and new process has significantly reduced time, labor, and proposal development costs.


Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) – SharePoint


Master of Business Administration
University of Dallas, 2005
Professional Associations
Project Management Institute
American Management Association

Thank You!

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