Federal Resume

How to Write A Federal Resume

in Examples, Knowledgebase on February 15, 2021

Resumes which is an official document for any recruit application. A resume’s layout structure is set up by the authored demand. Also, there are different kinds of resumes for different sectors. If you are applying for a position with a federal government agency, you may have to submit different kinds of information, which is not included in other resumes. In Federal Resume, you may have to submit some unique elements of information, work experience, and a resume’s common essential parts like education qualification and contact information.    

In this article, we will look for what is a federal resume, what information you may have to include, and how to write this on your own experience.      

What Is A Federal Resume?

A federal resume is an expansive document that is used for applying for a job within a federal government. Federal resumes require excessive details about your experience for applying purposes, background, and qualification. Like regular resumes, you need specific information about yourself and your work experience. Where the normal resume layout contains one to two pages long, federal resume layout takes on between four to six pages. Also, these resumes contain various information like citizenship status, federal salary grade, and personal information. 

A federal resume has strict format requirements in its way.  Moreover, this resume is informative and detailed. Not like traditional resumes structure, federal resumes contain electives, and government agencies declined methods, which is different from other recruitment. In the federal method, a recruit has to experience these positions and have to be prepared with a mental set up.  Federal resumes provide certain information with detail. To make your resumes more informative and eye-catching you have to gather knowledge about federal resumes and also have to write it with an expert hand. 

Best Way to Write A Federal Resume

As for writing a general resume, you have to be concerned about the information you’re displaying as proof of your strength and abilities. As like, a federal resume requires basic information to include. Follow this step by step method to create a study one for your desired government job. 

Add Your Contact Information

In federal resumes, it contains different information and elements. This contact information section is informative and essential for your resume. This section base on your, 

  • Full name
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address 

Besides, your postal information is necessary for your vetting process also these elements make your resumes different and informative. 

Therefore, if you provide your postal information in your absence your documents can be handed over to your address. If you are applying for a good position, you have to mention your living address and how others know you. When your resumes will be detailed by your contact your official documents and other processes will be sent by your written information. 

Also, it’s an easy method to reach you wherever you are. In this modern time technology also can help you for being informative if you mention an email address in the resume; you can notify any time by your mailbox. Your contact information is the first method that can capture your Standard resumes. Moreover, it assists you with your further information, activities, and process. 

Include Citizenship Status

To apply for a federal position, this is a must-includable section. This section helps the hiring manager to measure the vetting and identification process. For example, for the position in the U.S., they have no restriction of being a U.S. citizen for many job positions. Other positions in other countries might require citizenship statutes. They will list that status in the job description. So, check the description carefully before applying for such a job.

Identify Your Highest General Schedule (GS) grade

If you are already employed with a federal job. you have to mention your highest GS grade and salary range on your resume. All government jobs are graded within the general schedule to measure pay rate and position’s responsibility. A GS scale goes from 1 to 15 with ten steps where each step has defined payment incrimination.

List Working Experience

Every general resume contains a working experience section. Through this section, the hiring manager can judge your quality and efficiency. Federal resumes count your work experience of about less than 10years.  To make it more professional you have to fill it with an experienced hand. 

You have to be specific and detailed when you apply for a position. Moreover, your experience should be included in its demand. If you keep lackings in this working experience you will not be able to consider the demanding position. So choose your applicable position which can prove you are suited for the job.

To make your profile more detailed, informative, and effective include the following information while describing each of your experiences. 

  • Job title: Make sure to use the correct job title assigned by the recruitment notice and the verification process. 
  • Employer’s name and locations: If a job is located in a different country that is different from the federal government’s existence. For applying this kind of federal resumes you have to check the list including city name, region or state, and country where you want to apply.
  • Start and end date: This information is must-have. This information allows understanding your professional experience and how long you have spent your time for each of the positions. With this information, it will help them to understand and destine your qualification which will be suitable for your specific position. If you are currently working anywhere make sure to indicate “present” in your resume listing information.
  • An average number of hours worked per week: It’s common when federal jobs require your average minimum of 52 weeks per work experience. If you have done this make sure to include it. 
  • A detailed description of daily responsibilities: Make sure right down with a proper keyword and pronounce. Highlight your job description, skills, experience which are required for your position.
  • Awards and special reorganization: From your previous job section if you are recognized for any achievement make sure to include it within a separate section to the respective job’s detail.

Describe Your Educational Qualification

From normal to federal resumes educational qualification is a must include information. Make sure to include these from where you attend school, any degree or certificate which you received. Also include if you are an expert for other activities, curriculum. Educational qualification is the first base for federal resumes; it also defines your qualification and capability of knowledge.

To make your resumes more informative, describe your educational background according to the following structure. 

  • Exam Name.
  • Years attended.
  • Degree and qualification you have earned.
  • GPA
  • Boards and Institute from where you passed. 
  • Number and credits.
  • Any special recognition for your activities. 
  • Reveal your course work, projects, and presentations. 
  • Completion date.        

Consider  Optional Items

To make your federal resume more informative and detailed, there are more optional items that you can add; such as,

  • Security Clearance: If required, it can add to your resume to display the clearance of your present job/ position.
  • Additional Training: List your extra course works if you have any. It’ll be effective to build your image more sturdy and capable for the job.
  • Volunteer work: If you have participated in any volunteer work, this will be a wise decision to include these working details in your resume.
  • Additional skills: List your skills and expertise if you have. Even though they are irrelevant to the job, you can add technical skills to your resume. It can increase the opportunity to get hired.
  • Languages and preferences: Fluency of language on other languages without your native one and English, you can add them on your resume by mentioning your fluency level. 

Federal Resume Template Vs Regular Resume Template

Federal resumes are different from that recruitment of the private sector where the employee chooses by simple regular resumes. There are lots of uncommon facts between these two resumes. If you are thinking of a well-polished career with the federal government, you have to understand the difference between the Federal government and the private sector.

Federal Resume Template
Federal Resume Template

Not like traditional resumes, Federal resumes have their way. When you understand the importance of federal government jobs your job search effort will be more noticeable. Besides, you have to be well known / well-polished about federal resumes. Which can help you to obtain your desired position. Also, you have no way to make mistakes in this section. 

Best Resume Template 2021
Regular Resume Template



Federal resumes contain specific format

The federal resume has its format with strict concepts, where regular resumes have no formation guidelines like this. Applying for a federal government job, you have to make your resume informative and to-the-point. 

Besides, an average of regular resumes has to be two pages in length, but federal resumes demand three times more than regular resumes format of average length have to be in six pages. If your applying format fails to obtain these guidelines your application will be rejected. 

Federal resumes claim detailed information

Between federal and regular resumes both format claim differences. In federal resumes, you have to provide your identification information. You have to include your specific details like your social security number, your educational details, and your employment history. Also, you have to include your educational history with your GPA and any work experience or training. 

If you cannot provide this detailed information by its format rules, your application will be rejected.  On the other hand, if you provide this detailed information for regular resumes your application will be automatically rejected for discrimination claims. 

Federal resumes require documentation

One of the most uncommon differences between federal resumes and regular resumes is documentation. Some federal jobs require your detailed identification, educational documents with certified school transcription, clear shit of your previous working experience documents. As a result, federal resumes want your honesty which will ensure your activities.   Besides, a regular resume doesn’t require your documents specifically.         

You have to meet all criteria to be hired

In federal job notice, it includes specific criteria where you have to meet. With a federal job, you have to meet those criteria if you want to get hired. Furthermore, you have to pay more attention to your presentations and qualifications which can convey your position more powerfully. 

Besides, regular job notice may require criteria often for presence and qualification. 

Here is A Sample to 

Federal Resume Template

Here is an example to help you craft your comprehensive federal resume:

IT Specialist (Customer Support) – GS-2210


1721 Pilots Lane

Chicago, IL 60616

Cell Phone: (555) 999-3454

Email: robart.bran@email.com

Citizenship: U.S. Citizen

Veterans’ Preference: No

Highest GS Grade: N/A

Security Clearance: N/A


Include your proficiency in summarizing words. Give a glance review of your whole professional life. No need to be specific on any skills or sector here. You can mention your top skills and expertise for which you achieved most of the appreciation on your previous job.


Job Title 

Company Name

Service session


Give to the point information about the position, what you exactly have to do in this job.


Not necessary. Feel free to include if there is any.


Optional section.


Your detailed but specified information will help you to be selected to get your job. You don’t have to get complicated to describe your efficiency. This resume requires your identical and specified information. So, make yourself capable enough for the job and apply in a professional way to achieve your goal.

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