contemporary resume templates

21+ Best Contemporary (New Styles) Resume CV Templates (For 2021/2022)

in Examples, Inspiration on June 6, 2020

A professional resume is the centerpiece of your application. HR managers often read it first to gain an overview of the applicant’s skills. Your resume must, therefore, contain all the qualifications required in the job advertisement. 

With your application, you want to convey competence, professionalism, the ability to meet all the challenges of the job – both current and those that may be added in the future. All of this on as few pages as possible and ideally in the résumé, which is usually read and observed first by HR staff. Of course, the content is important, but the design should not be underestimated. Modern curriculum vitae can shape the first impression on the reader and thus convey the image that you want to present with your application documents. However, a modern resume should always suit you and fit in with the overall impression. We show you contemporary (New Styles) resume CV templates for a modern CV and give tips on how to optimize, build, and formulate a professional resume…

21 Contemporary Resume CV Templates

A good resume template can really help you optimize your resume, as well as make it organized and professional, without taking too much time or even having to consult a consultant. You can fully invest the time gained in this in the content of your CV, the application letter and the search for your new job.

Choosing The Right Template

So how do you choose the ideal resume template when you have 21+ to choose from?

  • First, consider your industry. The selected resume template should fit the job you are applying for appropriately and professionally.
  • Finally, choose the template that best suits your personality.

01. Classic Resume

Classic curriculum vitae convinces with its simple and clear structure. It is particularly suitable for applications from authorities and companies that value compliance with the usual formalities when applying.

With such a resume, you have to convince through your education, experience, and qualifications – no distraction by an original design that would only irritate old-school personnel…

02. Modern Resume

Modern, yet clean and professional-looking resume. Suitable for applications to young companies or, for example, companies in the media, IT, finance and engineering sectors. You should make sure that this resume matches the job advertisement and the company’s image.

The heading is in a blue box, the area for personal data and the photo is highlighted with a subtle gray.

03. Design CV

Are you looking for a beautiful, professionally designed, yet serious template to create your resume?

A blue-turquoise arrow highlights the heading, another element in the same design stores the applicant’s photo – this template impresses with its high-quality layout.

Attention: To apply to authorities and conservative companies, a simpler design should be chosen.

04. CV 2020

A fresh layout for your resume is CV 2020. Original elements combined with a clean and clear structure. It includes a cover sheet and cover letter in a uniform design.

The Head area has a subtle large heading, which forms a unit with a white background. It is a visually appealing list display of the areas including the list symbol in bright colors.

05. Resume Template With a Bar on The Left

This curriculum vitae contains a bar on the left that reminds of the navigation menu of websites. The title and the names of the individual areas are displayed there.

On the right side are the actual entries and information on the applicant’s training, career, and qualifications.

It is the right template if you want to try something extraordinary.

06. Resume Template in Blue

The head of the curriculum vitae is highlighted with two colors, the font color of the title and personal data are white, the application photo is also placed in this area. Then follow the actual content in black on white.

Various alternative color combinations can be selected for the colors in the head area.

07. Two-Column Resume

The two columns not only give the curriculum vitae a unique design but are also a master at presenting the professional experience of applicants who have changed jobs frequently.

The personal data is under laid with a subtle gray background and thus differentiates itself from the other information.

The application photo stands out from this area – the design appears playful, but nevertheless clearly and deliberately structured.

08. A CV With The Current Design

The entries in all categories are displayed in two columns. The areas without a dividing line are separated in a natural and visually appealing way by colored headings.

The frame of the application photo is connected to the right side edge and creates a beautiful and clearly structured look.

This modern template is up-to-date, suitable for today’s times. This makes it perfect for anyone who is looking for a template for a fresh resume for IT or creative industry.

09. Resume Template With a Bar on The Left

A very professional-looking resume that is somewhat reminiscent of a profile in a career network or in a job exchange.

Personal data and application photo neatly and stylishly placed on the left, information on training and career positions on the right.

Ideal for applicants who want or need to be brief and who are looking for a CV with only one page.

10. Elegant Resume

This simple but elegant resume, is suitable for many applicants who are looking for a modern but professional template for their resume.

The entries in the individual areas are brought together by the border on the left, the border of the personal data is colored darker and the color can be changed.

11. Serious Resume

Serious CV is meant for a professional application to companies and also authorities with a strict human resources department.

It is suitable for a resume, which on the one hand should appear simple and very serious, but on the other hand should stand out from the mass of applications and resumes with the same design.

12. Tabular CV

A clear and clear structure is the great advantage of submitting in tabular form.

This template works best if you only want to list the stages of your training and your professional career and present them clearly.

It is suitable for applicants with a common thread and a self-evident career.

13. A CV With a Gray Background

Are you applying online or are you looking for an unusual, yet professional and clearly structured template for your CV?

These curriculum vitae has a light gray background. The headings of the individual areas are displayed as a box with a colored background. The individual stations and entries in the curriculum vitae are highlighted in white and thus stand out elegantly against the gray background.

14. Stylish Resume

Are you looking for an exceptional resume for an application that should attract attention?

If you are not applying to a government agency or a traditional company, this layout with a lot of design could be a good choice.

15. Clearly Structured Curriculum Vitae

A clearly structured curriculum vita is a new template with a very clear structure, which nevertheless looks modern and puts the content in the foreground.

Not only are the areas neatly divided, but also the individual entries are delimited by a subtle gray line.

The result is easy on the eyes and easy to read. This leads to a high probability that the HR specialist will deal with your application in depth.

16. Simple Resume

This is a simple, modern and professional-looking – suitable for young applicants who are applying for an internship or part-time job.

Otherwise, this template always fits if the company is modern and this can be recognized by the design of the job advertisement or the career page.

The color of the bars separating the area can be changed easily.

17. Resume Template Creative in Yellow

Very creative and contemporary template for your CV, which, like a website, clearly sets itself apart from simple templates.

However, it is also a template that does not suit all situations and applicants. A simple, content-focused layout is often much more popular with HR staff.

18. CV Template With a Picture on The Left

With this template, the application photo and contact details are placed on the left. This allows the relevant information on the career and training of the applicant to be presented in full from top to bottom.

The idea of ​​this template: The HR manager gets an impression of the photo and then starts immediately with the last or current position, keeps looking … so full concentration on the career.

19. Resume Template Centered and Classy

In this résumé, all information is centered and displayed in the Times (Times New Roman) font. The thin dividing lines look classy and high-quality, especially in gray or golden yellow tones.

Tip: Brief CVs can look great with this design. The layout tends to appear shifted due to detailed entries. So just try it out.

20. Resume Template Text Only

A very simple layout for your curriculum vitae, which completely dispenses with design elements and thus presents a professional career in a classic style.

Thanks to the Courier font, this resume looks very clean and tends to be technical. This makes it perfect for applications to IT companies, engineering, and architectural offices, mechanical engineering and other industrial companies.

21. Detailed CV

Plenty of space for applicants who wants to describes their work experience, qualifications, and tasks in detail.

This template is ideal for resumes with a lot of text or in essay form. Also for an applicant who’s current or previous positions are very relevant for the application and would like to inform the HR manager in detail.

What Should I Consider When Choosing a Resume Template?

When choosing a resume template, it is useful to check various criteria:

  • Is the layout of the template suitable for the scope of my career and its presentation?
  • Does the template visually match the job, the company, and the industry?
  • Does the template fit my personality?

If a resume template does not fully meet your expectations, you can still use it as a basis and adapt it individually to your needs. It is often possible to save a lot of time even with a template that is not 100% suitable, which you can then invest in the content of the curriculum vitae or more thorough research about the company you want to apply for.

How Can I Edit The Resume Templates?

You can edit the above resume templates for Word using Word from 2007 onwards. Both a content adjustment and an adjustment of the design/layout are possible. This includes, among other things, the adjustment of fonts, font sizes, shapes/elements and colors. Depending on the complexity of a resume template, the time required for adjustments can vary somewhat. A brief comparison of 2 or 3 different conceivable CV templates can, therefore, be useful and useful. With a view to the knowledge of Word that might be necessary for an individual adjustment of a pattern, you can quickly find out which templates you feel comfortable with and can best cope with by doing a preliminary comparison.

Are Free Resume Templates Professional?

Free resume templates can also be professional. A good curriculum vita is characterized by an appealing, clear design and a precise elaboration of the content for the respective position. The templates and samples on this page have been created with great care so that they can leave the above-mentioned professional impression on the reader. Care was also taken to ensure that the Word templates can be edited as simply as possible. So even though the resume templates are free, downloading the sample you want will give you a professional document that you can use to make a good impression.

Can I Simply Take Over The Free Resume Samples?

You can of course simply adopt the design of the respective templates. However, it is important that you think about the content of your resume. No free curriculum vitae sample can do justice to your individual career and at the same time be perfectly geared to the job advertisement of your desired job – by the way, even paid templates cannot. In terms of content, however, a free CV template can help you think about everything you need and structure your CV as cleverly as possible. Professional, free resume templates, such as those found on this page, can certainly help you create a better and more successful application.

Is The Criticism of Free CV Templates Voiced in Some Places Justified?

Whether the criticism expressed in some guides regarding the use of free resume templates is justified depends on how you use the templates and which templates you use. The core of the criticism is often an insufficient adaptation of the content of a template by the applicants. If you don’t bother about the content and create a resume that you then send to all employers, the criticism is justified. The content of a free curriculum vitae template is generally to be understood as an orientation aid that can never depict your individual situation. It is therefore extremely important that you put a lot of effort into the content of your resume. Show the employer of your choice that you offer them the skills and qualifications they want. The use of a design or format template, on the other hand, should not be viewed critically if it is of high quality and meets professional requirements. Creative professions may be an exception here since the design of the curriculum vitae is a first work sample. However, free CV templates and samples can still be used as a source of inspiration and for brainstorming.

How Detailed Should a Resume Be?

A (tabular) curriculum vitae is a condensed and focused representation of your previous career. If possible, important information should be visible to the reader as soon as he scans the CV. Data that is not relevant for a job should therefore either be left out or, if necessary, presented as briefly and concisely as possible. If possible, use key points at the individual stations in your curriculum vitae to present your qualifications and skills relevant to the position in a clear and structured manner so that the reader can recognize important information quickly and without reading a lot of text.

From each station on your CV that is relevant to the new position, you should see what you did when, where and how long as well as what (what goals/successes?) You have during this time and how (through which measures? ) for your employer. As mentioned at the beginning of this section, stations that are not or only slightly relevant should of course still be listed so that there are no unnecessary gaps in your CV. However, the scope of the job description can be reduced to a minimum.

As a rough rule of thumb for the detail of the presentation of each relevant station in the curriculum vitae, it can be statedWhat have I done where for how long and what have I achieved for my employer during this time?

How Long Can My Resume Be?

As a rule, a resume should not exceed two A4 pages. Depending on the length of your career, one A4 page may be sufficient.

When Should I Start on My Resume? How Far Should I Go Chronologically in My Résumé?

As a rule, you can start your curriculum vitae from secondary school. All applicants have one elementary school in common, so this station is irrelevant for filling a position.

Chronological or Anti Chronological Résumé – Which Order Is Suitable for the Résumé?

As a rule, an anti chronological, chronologically descending order is well suited for the résumé. This means that the most up-to-date (and therefore often the most relevant) information can be found quickly by the reader.

Why should my CV Be complete?

Gaps in the résumé often raise questions and can give the reader the feeling that the applicant is trying to hide something. To avoid this, a resume should, therefore, be as complete as possible.

What Can I Write in The CV if I am Unemployed Instead of “Unemployed”?

Active formulations are more suitable for the CV than their passive counterparts. Instead of the passive phrase “unemployed”, you could use active phrases such as “looking for work” in your CV.

My Resume is Too Long – What Can I Leave Out?

To shorten your resume, you can, for example, shorten or omit information about qualifications or skills that are not or only marginally relevant to the desired position. In the case of professional or school-based positions, you should definitely keep them – otherwise, there would be gaps – however, you can reduce the number of key points or even completely omit key points. The “Knowledge” and “Interests” sections are usually the best for shortening your CV.

What Font and Font Size is Suitable for The Resume?

As with all other application documents, well-readable fonts with a serious effect are suitable for the CV. Examples of such fonts are, for example, Arial, Times New Roman, Open Sans, Verdana or Garamond.

Regarding the font size, depending on the selected font, sizes between 10pt and 12pt are usually suitable. Larger font sizes may also be useful for headings if this is for clarity.

In general, care should be taken to ensure that uniform fonts and font sizes are used in all application documents.

How Can I sign My Resume? Where is The CV Signed?

The CV will be signed at the end. Depending on the visual preference, either two blank lines can be inserted for the signature after the last station in the résumé. This is followed by the place and date and the handwritten signature. Alternatively, the place and date can be left-justified and the handwritten signature right-justified after the last station of the résumé.

A suitable writing tool (e.g. fountain pen with blue ink) is recommended for the signature. If the curriculum vitae is sent online, you can sign on a white sheet of paper and then scan your signature. You can then insert the image that is saved on your PC after the scan directly into Word at the end of the resume and, if necessary, adjust its size.

Where Can I Mention my Driver’s License on My CV?

You can specify your driver’s license with the corresponding driver’s license classes in the section “Special knowledge”. If a job advertisement expressly requests a copy of the driver’s license, you should add it to the attachment to your application. In the latter case, however, make sure to refer to your driver’s license in your CV.

Where Does The Photo in The Resume Go?

The photo is usually placed right-justified in the “Personal data” section of the curriculum vitae. If a cover sheet with a photo is used, a photo can also be omitted in the résumé. It is also possible to use a photo booth on the cover page and in the CV. With some modern resume templates, the photo is placed directly in the header. If you should opt for the latter variant, you should make sure that the application photo is also printed completely and untrimmed by printers who cannot print borderless.

What File Format Should I Use For My Resume?

The CV should always be sent as a PDF file. This file format has the advantage that it cannot be changed easily and is also wide so that it can usually be easily opened and processed by anyone.

How Can I Save and Send My Resume as a PDF File?

You can save your resume, for example, directly in Word as a PDF file. Simply change the file type in the “Save As” dialog to “PDF”. Please make sure that you save your resume beforehand as an editable Word file (eg “.docx”) so that you can edit it again later. You can then send your CV as an email attachment or via a file upload in an online application portal.

Do The Parents and Their Jobs Belong to the Résumé?

If you have already taken a look at the resume templates above, you will probably already guess the answer because none of the templates contain this information. Information about the parents and their professions should not be included in the curriculum vitae because they do not say anything about your suitability for a job.

How Can I Optimize/Improve My Resume?

Especially after a long dry spell with many rejections, it makes sense to look intensively at your own resume and to look for ways to optimize it. Of course, rejection can result from the fact that other applicants could have better qualifications. Rejection can also be due to the fact that important skills and qualifications are either not mentioned at all or are only mentioned in a closed-form on the résumé. In particular, you should pay more attention to the latter point, as more and more companies are using HR/applicant management software, which automatically sorts out candidates based on specified criteria or sends rejections to applications if an applicant does not have the desired profile based on his or her documents features. Some CVs are therefore sorted out before an employee sees them. Of course, it is also quite possible that you want to optimize your CV so that the number of inquiries that you receive through career portals, for example directly from companies, headhunters or recruiters, increases. For all three cases mentioned, here are some tips on how you can improve your CV.

Optimize Cv for Applicant Management Software / CV Parser

The use of keywords also plays an important role in optimizing your CV for CV parsers. CV parsers compare the defined profile with the profiles of the applicants, which you extract from their CVs. If important keywords are missing or synonyms are used that the parser cannot assign, this can lead to your application being sorted out.

Optimize Cv for Career Portals

If you want to be passively found by new career opportunities, creating/uploading a resume to career portals and job boards can be a good option. However, you should also make sure that you use the right keywords here. If you can specify your skills and qualifications manually, you should also think of synonyms. A good source of inspiration is provided by the requirements formulated in job advertisements for a similar or the same job that you already have, as well as advertisements for jobs that you would like to achieve.

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