Achievement Based Resume

How To Write an Achievement-Based Resume (With Examples)

in Examples on March 11, 2023

By demonstrating to a hiring manager or recruiter your exceptional qualifications for a position, a great CV can give you an advantage during the hiring process. Utilizing an achievement-based resume format, which highlights your successes in previous situations, is one method to enhance the impact of your resume. Developing an achievement-based résumé will help you land a satisfying job along your chosen professional path. In this post, we define an achievement-based Resume, go over how to build one, and give examples of accomplishments that you may use.

What is an achievement-based resume?

An accomplishment-based resume is a type of CV that emphasizes your career accomplishments to date. An achievement-based resume typically has the same structure as a chronological resume, with the addition of a list of your most significant accomplishments for each job entry. This resume format may be the best choice for applicants who are just starting their careers because it enables them to highlight their accomplishments and demonstrate to hiring managers that they possess the necessary qualifications for the position. Candidates can also incorporate accomplishments from unpaid experiences like internships, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities by using an achievement-based resume.

How to create an achievement-based resume

The following four steps will help you develop an accomplishment-based resume:

1. List your past jobs and duties

Make a list of all of your former employment, volunteer work, and extracurricular pursuits first. List your principal responsibilities for each entry, or the obligations that were part of your job description. You might not have a set of responsibilities in an extracurricular or volunteer position, so you can list any jobs you did to help the group. For instance, if you were a day camp counselor, your duties might have included planning recreational activities, keeping an eye on kids, and giving them medication.

2. Turn your tasks into achievements

You may use numbers or specifics about the projects you finished to restate your tasks as accomplishments. For instance, if you had the following responsibilities while working in a fundraising office during college:

Called alumnae for fundraising purposes

By mentioning the amount of money you raised or the campaigns the college spearheaded while you held the job, you can turn that into an accomplishment. Your achievement-based description might appear something like this in its final form:

strategically communicated with influential alumni to support the university’s new gymnasium fund

3. Include awards and leadership activities

You can include details on noteworthy successes along with your duties, either in an entry for a specific role or in a section on general talents. Some of these unique accomplishments might be relevant to a particular position or sector, while others could provide the hiring manager an insight into your overall professional abilities. For instance, information on your honors research in chemical engineering may demonstrate your command of the subject if you are a recent graduate searching for a job in the field. Other accomplishments, such as language proficiency, may demonstrate your value to the company.

4. Choose which achievements to include

Most resumes are one typed page long, which enables hiring managers to swiftly evaluate a candidate’s qualifications and determine whether they could be a good fit for the position. Pick three or four standout accomplishments for each position on your resume to keep it succinct. You might include tasks you accomplished through internship jobs or volunteer work with scientific or medical organizations, for instance, if you recently earned a degree in biology and wish to work in a laboratory. Reread the job description to determine the accomplishments that are most pertinent to the role.

5. Integrate the achievements into your resume

You can use bullet points to describe achievements that are relevant to a particular position beneath the title of the position and the name of the company. Achievements that are relevant to your academic background or volunteer work can be placed in the appropriate sections. If you have accomplishments that don’t belong in one of those categories, think about including them in the skills part of your Achievement-Based Resume. You might include the following details on your resume in addition to your accomplishments:

  • the complete name you
  • Your postal code, contact information, and email address
  • a succinct overview of your objectives and core competencies for your resume
  • specifics about any degrees you may have earned
  • Certifications
  • software expertise

Examples of achievements for your resume

Here are examples of professional accomplishments organized by category that you might use in your resume to highlight your abilities:

Sales achievement examples

Sales accomplishments demonstrate your abilities to find and close sales. These abilities can be acquired through conventional sales positions, but they can also be developed through volunteer fundraising. Quantitative data from prior experiences, such as close rate, number of new sales, or referral %, might be used to demonstrate your sales skills if you’re applying for a sales position. Here are Examples of successful sales:

  1. 150 more customers were added to a software subscription service.
  2. over 18 months, kept the customer satisfaction rate at 85%.
  3. sold industrial goods costing over $15,000
  4. more than $1,000 was raised for the annual pet rescue event of Hopeworth Animal Rescue.
  5. cultivated connections with former students in 39 states for fundraising purposes
  6. a new sales entry system was created for internal clients, enhancing efficiency.
  7. led a group of six volunteers in a fundraising effort to support the wellness initiative at Chatham Cove Park.
  8. exceeded sales targets more than 75% of the time.
  9. named by a nearby charity organization as “Fundraiser of the Year”
  10. aided the sales manager in streamlining the sales process by 30%
  11. helped create a scheme for referring new clients that increased referral sales by 25% in a single year.
  12. managed a sales territory that included five major cities

Marketing achievement examples

Include previous marketing initiatives or other accomplishments on your resume if you’re aiming for a position in the marketing industry, such as a marketing coordinator or advertising copywriter. You can provide specifics to demonstrate your abilities if you have quantitative information about your marketing accomplishments, such as email open rates or revenue totals for sales campaigns you worked on. Here is Examples of marketing success:

  1. 7% more people opened promotional emails over the course of six months.
  2. facilitated the creation of new package collateral through marketing and sales team collaboration.
  3. I created content for a yearly Christmas campaign that 15% more than sales targets.
  4. created promotional materials for a webinar series with financial professionals that won an award.
  5. Redesigned sales landing page results in 22% more conversions over the course of four months.
  6. established a social media presence for a charity group, earning 1,500 new followers in the first year.
  7. 15% annual growth in website traffic was achieved using SEO techniques.
  8. I oversaw a cross-departmental initiative to redesign the company’s conference materials.
  9. For three years in a row, exceeding the company’s yearly objective for new sales leads.
  10. Website flow was improved to simplify the digital sales process, increasing online sales by 20% over the course of four months.
  11. supervised a trio of marketers who worked for a rapidly developing business.
  12. a video he produced that increased website traffic by 10% earned him the title of Marketing Intern of the Year in 2021.
  13. made a series of cross-promotional social media videos showcasing eight neighborhood businesses.

Customer service achievement examples

Achievements in customer service demonstrate to a hiring manager your prowess in raising client satisfaction and addressing problems. These skills can be acquired in a variety of other jobs, including those as a waiter in a restaurant, a cashier at a grocery store, a camp counselor, and a retail employee. You can also acquire them in a dedicated customer service role. Here are Examples of excellent customer service:

  1. Over a two-year period, the client approval rating of the customer support staff increased from 65% to 92%.
  2. supervised a group of five apprentice customer care agents.
  3. created updated service manuals for the staff of a local chain of grocers.
  4. taught new hosts and servers about the gourmet dining establishment’s customer service policies.
  5. 15% fewer returns for shoes over a period of 18 months.
  6. contributed to the creation of a new tracking system to find and address recurrent client concerns
  7. and created a new customer service site in collaboration with the IT team, which increased the efficiency of the customer care department by 30%.
  8. facilitated 11 weekly parent meetings with the camp counseling staff to address any complaints from visitors about the park’s amenities and the camp experience.
  9. supported team members who were less experienced,
  10. On average, I helped 35 grocery store customers every day locate the things they were looking for.
  11. a six-month increase in the average length of gym membership thanks to proactive client check-ins.

IT and technology achievement examples

Including specifics about your prior IT accomplishments might help you demonstrate your technical talents to the hiring manager if you’re aiming to land a position as an IT service technician, database administrator, or another IT expert. These abilities could be acquired through formal schooling or previous employment. Your accomplishments may differ because information technology is a broad and diverse profession, however, the following examples may help:

  1. During my junior year of college, I answered 80 IT service tickets via the Student IT Service Center.
  2. six academic departments received IT support, including the repair of presentation equipment.
  3. supervised a group of six IT support specialists to fix problems for telecom clients.
  4. In three months, I created a customized sales database for a software business.
  5. facilitated advanced training for student IT support workers, resulting in a 90-minute average reduction in ticket resolution time.
  6. 40% increase in six months in customer satisfaction with IT services.
  7. newly created IT request pipeline increases departmental productivity
  8. and built more than 30 database projects for independent healthcare clients.
  9. By negotiating with numerous backup companies, the department was able to save 30% on backup software.
  10. A manager’s assistance in assisting healthcare facilities to switch to cloud backup services increased data security.

Administrative achievement examples

Include information about your prior administrative accomplishments if you’re looking for a position with administrative responsibilities, such as a secretary, personal assistant, or office manager. Despite the fact that administrative professions don’t necessarily use the same metrics as sales jobs, you can provide data on your productivity levels, the number of employees you helped, or the significant projects you oversaw. Examples of administrative successes are provided below:

  1. conducted monthly meetings for 11 executives across three time zones successfully.
  2. supported 15 medical recorders and database managers in the office
  3. Six departments’ internal processes were documented on a wiki by creating it.
  4. kept track of over 150 employees’ birthdays and work anniversaries across four offices.
  5. Negotiations reduced the cost of office supplies by 10% over the course of two years.
  6. developed and oversaw a program to reduce carbon emissions at the office.
  7. four times in three years, received the Employee of the Month award
  8. maintained personnel records for the HR department when the business doubled in size during a two-year period.
  9. Redesigned office space saves the organization $1,000 on project costs while complying with accessibility rules
  10. increased departmental input in the company’s email newsletter, which will increase employee satisfaction

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